Monday, October 22, 2012

What's the point?

I’m often asked what’s the point of buying organic foods and making your own products?  I’m told “I don’t have time for that” or “I don’t have sensitive skin” or “it doesn’t bother me.” I get it.  We all only have so many hours in the day and if I’m not breaking out from a product or food, I’m probably going to think it is safe. I know that was how I always felt.  Until they did start bothering me.  Until I was in pain, bedridden and started researching causes for my health issues. It didn’t take long to pick up a product – say lotion or sauces or deodorant or even tissues! and find ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce or understand. 

When I started researching some of these ingredients and realized how toxic they are I was shocked to say the least.  The food I was eating, the products I used and my cleaning supplies were all slowly harming me and my family. So I started small.  I changed my diet slowly but surely and it is still a work in progress.  Now I’ve added in the product component and it still is a work in progress. I don’t always get it right but I’m still working towards the goal of getting it right.

I also find it satisfying to figure something out for myself and teach myself a new skill like soap making. Small steps, simple steps to change my life and my health. That is the point for me.

Yesterday I was doing laundry and ran out of my Seventh Generation detergent.  That stuff is expensive so I researched online checked my "recipes" and made my own detergent rather than running out and buying more. Because I was in the middle of laundry, I didn’t have time to make liquid soap like I normally use so I made powdered instead. Because I have a front loading washer, I add the detergent to the tub and not through the dispenser.

The detergent is super easy to make and only takes 3 ingredients. I added Lavender essential oil but not required to clean! If you are very sensitive, wear a mask and gloves because although Borax is a naturally occurring ingredient, it is still toxic to some.  Better to not inhale.

Powdered Laundry Detergent

2 bars ivory soap or organic soap bar shredded fine (I used Dr.  Bronner’s castile bar soap and grated with a cheese grater)
2 cups Washing Soda
2 cups Borax
20 drops of lavender essential oil (optional but smells awesome!)

Mix together thoroughly and use 1 TBSP per load.

That’s right, 1 TBSP per load!  My clothes came out really clean and this took about 10 minutes to make.  I give it 4 out of 5 simply because I want to find an alternative to Borax.  It works extremely well but I’m concerned about long term impacts.  Still, it beats all the sulfates and other chemicals in regular detergents! And it is certainly cheaper than Seventh Generation or other natural products.

Another thing I did yesterday afternoon was to clean my make-up brushes. Make-up brushes are expensive and get clogged with make-up affecting how well they work not to mention, if you have oily skin or acne it can cause contamination of your skin. Cleaning them takes care of them and helps eliminate contamination. It was overdue for me and I tend to put it off because it is usually kind of a pain as I always wash my brushes one brush at a time under running water with shampoo.  This time I decided to try something I read about on Pinterest. I filled a glass with 1 TBSP of white vinegar and hot water and then let the brushes soak for 20 minutes.  I rinsed with hot then cold water then shaped the brushes and let dry on a towel with the ferrule pointing slightly down to drain. 

This worked far better than the shampoo has ever worked and was super easy. I give it 5 out of 5 for this task. Love when things work as advertised!  J

Like I said before my journey is a work in progress and I certainly haven’t eliminated all toxic chemicals yet. One area I need to really focus on is at work.  At work I use the soap dispensers which aren’t organic or natural by any stretch of the imagination. They are, however, I’m sure pretty cheap.  J  I’m going to bring in my own hand soap and lotion for there but I’m sure if I put it on the bathroom counter, it will get used by everyone before the chemical stuff.  Lol. That's okay as maybe I can help someone else on their journeys too.

Take care of yourself and your families!


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